Ninebark shrubs (Physocarpus spp.) are indigenous throughout The United States; Pacific ninebark (P. capitatus) is indigenous to the Westcoast. This...
Native to South Africa, Polygala myrtifolia Grandiflora, also called myrtle-leaf milkwort, is generally called sweet-pea shrub. The vibrant flowers add...
Container gardening is perfect for porch gardens and houses with little yards that are back, as it lets you get...
The bacterium Erwinia amylovora causes fire blight on species of the rose family (Rosaceae). The most frequent fruit-trees that obtain...
Resistant to sandy soil, drought and sea-spray, Scaevola aemula is a great remedy to get a problem area in your...
Azaleas are flowering shrubs that include a burst of vibrant colour to your own garden. Azaleas may be vulnerable to...
Most fox-glove kinds prosper only as far south as U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 8, preferring moist, great...
The âBloodgoodâ selection of Japanese maples (Acer palmatum) gives a specimen that homeowners of even tiny lots can use to...
Horseradish is a long lived perennial herb that you appreciate for a life time and can plant. The plants need...
The tipu tree (Tipuana tipu), also also referred to as Brazilian rosewood, is an evergreen shade tree indigenous to Bolivia...