Ground cherries (Physalis pruinosa) produce small yellowish-orange fruits in a papery husk, comparable in appearance to a small tomatillo. These...
Air conditioner units contain quite a few components that work together to create the cool atmosphere that keeps your space...
Water fountains found in parks or in a home landscape are perfect gathering areas for pigeons. Even though you may...
Yucca thompsoniana, commonly called the Thompson’s or beaked yucca, is cultivated across U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6...
Cloudy pool water typically results from a high concentration of microscopic particles of dirt, bacteria or other substances that are...
If you’re working on the lawn and come upon a large rock, things can slow down drastically. Rocks are obstructions...
Toads lead to the vitality of landscapes, provide valuable services from the yard, like consuming pests, and serve as good...
Most citrus trees thrive in the warm, humid temperatures of tropical and subtropical climates. Very few of them are able...
Ticks may seem small and insignificant, but they can create huge problems if you want to appreciate your home’s backyard...
In case you have kids and you are considering sprucing up their bedrooms or playroom with whimsical wall art, you...