The way to Floc a Cloudy Pool

The way to Floc a Cloudy Pool

Cloudy pool water typically results from a high concentration of microscopic particles of dirt, bacteria or other substances that are resistant to pool chemicals and little enough to pass through filter press. The particles might be so little that the cloudiness isn’t evident when viewed in direct sunlight but becomes quite noticeable at night once the pool lights are turned on. Use of the alum flocculent from the pool creates a gel-like material from the water that leads to microscopic suspended particles to clump together and sink to the bottom of the pool. Once all the particles have settled from the water, then they may be readily vacuumed from the pool and disposed down the waste drain. This technique is called “floccing” a pool and can be a rapid method of cutting the water when other methods like shocking using chlorine or conventional filter neglect.

Raise the water in the pool to its highest level.

Adjust the pool water to a pH of 7.0. By adding commercially available acid or sodium carbonate pool additives to increase or lower the pH. Confirm the pH using a typical pool test kit.

Consult the manufacturer’s directions for diluting alum pool flocculent in a bucket. Pour the diluted alum to the water around the outside of the pool.

Run the pool filter and pump for four hours, then switch off the pump and allow the pool to settle overnight.

Set the filter valve to the “Waste” atmosphere and connect the pool vacuum hose to an inlet in the pool.

Turn on the pump and then pump the sediment off the bottom of the pool. Be careful to not stir up the sediment to the water as you are vacuuming.

Turn off the pump and then place the filter valve to the “Closed” position. Disconnect the pool.

Replace the water lost through scrubbing and bring the water level from the pool back to usual.

Backwash the pool filter.

Set the filter valve to “Filter” for regular operation.

Adjust the pool water back to its normal pH by adding commercially available acid or sodium carbonate pool additives to increase or lower the pH. Confirm the pH using a typical pool test kit.

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