Yucca thompsoniana, commonly called the Thompson’s or beaked yucca, is cultivated across U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 through 11 for its heat and drought tolerance, an ability to thrive in a range of soil types, and appealing form, foliage and flowers. This evergreen perennial, which grows up to ten feet tall and produces flowers in an upright stalk, requires very little care and minimum pruning to maintain its form and appearance.
Cut the flower stalks from the cap of the yucca when the yucca has finished blooming. If you discover the seed capsules which develop from the flowers appealing, you can depart the flowering stalks in position more.
Snip or watched off new sprouts emerging from the foundation of the flowering stalk selectively, if wanted. Leave each of the sprouts intact if you want to encourage the yucca to grow taller and branch.
Cut off or use a sharp spade to sever any pups, or youthful limbs, appearing from the bottom of the Thompson’s yucca just below the ground surface if you don’t want to preserve this new increase and permit multiple trunks to construct.
Inspect the yucca regularly year-round for fungal leaf spots and scale insects, which seem as immobile bumps on the leaves. Where insects or diseases are concentrated on just a few leaves, trim off the affected leaves to prevent further pest or disease spread.