Shrubs and blooming flowers offer variety and shade to landscape and the garden for for a long period period of time throughout the growing season. These crops out last crocus, daffodils and tulips in the endurance of the flowers. With respect to the yearly climate pattern as well as the microclimate, these crops will brighten your outdoor areas.
Blood Flowers
Blood flowers (Asclepias currassavica) increase as annuals in Sunsetâs Environment Zones 8, 9, 12 through 2 4, H1 and H2. This plant spreads 24-inches broad and sends up a stem with leaves to the peak of 36-inches. Star-like flowers that are red cluster together near the tips of the stems all summer long. Silky Gold creates orange flowers that are yellow. Monarch butterflies lay eggs where the caterpillars develop and hatch.
Marguerite Flowers
Marguerite flowers (Argyranthemum frutescens) grow as perennials in Sunsetâs Environment Zones 1-2 through 24 and H-1, but as annuals in zones 3 through 13. The 36-inch-tall mound of green leaves that are bright spring from stems topped with daisylike flowers 2 1/2 inches across in white or yellow, pink. The flower is a a vintage daisy having one row of petals surrounding a yellow heart. Marguerite flowers blossom all the year in moderate climates. Jamaica Primrose and Cornish Gold provide a pure flower, while Jamaican Snow-Storm and Sassy White current a daisy appear that is a vintage. Chelsea Woman (Argyranthemum gracile âChelsea Girlâ) is a marguerite flower with feathery leaves.
Spider Flowers
Spider flowers (Cleome hasslerana) create fluffy clusters of pink or white flowers with long stamens on a cone shaped flower head in summer and drop. The four to six-foot-tall stems possess spines along with a sticky sap. The clump spreading 4-to 5 feet wide. Helen Campbell is a white- selection, while Rose Queen and Pink Queen provide flowers that are pink. Senorita Rosalita is a contemporary range without thorns and sap with red-violet blossoms.
Shell Ginger
Shell ginger (Alpinia zerumbet) grows as a shrub in Sunsetâs Climate Zones 14 through 24, H1 and H2. The rhizome generates an 8 to 9-foot-tall plant spreading three or four feet broad. The green leaves that are dark are 5″ broad and 24-inches long. The pink or white shell like flowers hang in clusters and have brown, purple or red markings. The cultivar Variegata has leaves striped with bands that are yellow.
Shrub Verbena
Shrub verbena (Lantana montevidensis) grows 24 inches tall and 36-inches broad in Sunsetâs Environment Zones 8 through 10, 12 through 2 4, H1 and H2. The tiny white and yellow blossoms cluster close to the tip of the stems looming over green leaves that are shiny. Cultivars contain Confetti, which creates flowers that are pink, yellow and purple, and Rainbow, which grows orange, yellow and fuchsia blossoms. Miss Huff is frost resistant compared to other verbena types and creates pink and orange flower clusters that are blended.