A deciduous tree, the weeping willow (Salix babylonica) is recognized because of its drooping branches that sway in the wind. Weeping willows are suitable to Sunset’s Environment Zones 7 through 9 and 14 as they adore moist soil and sunlight. Problems is posed by several bugs to weeping willows so examine them often for signs of infestation.
Hungry and small, aphids come in various colors, but all are able to wreak havoc. Aphids use their mouthparts that are sharp to pierce leaves and stems and prey on weeping willow’s juices, in line with the University of California’s Integrated Pest Management web site. In their opinion, aphids year round, therefore weeping willows require normal checking in California. Introducing their normal predators, like parasitic wasps and lady beetles, decreases the amount of aphids without without the need for pesticides that are toxic.
Spider Mites
In huge numbers they are able to significantly damage weeping willows although spider mites are tiny. When feeding, spider mites drain leaves leaving them using a speckled look, injuring foliage. Spider mites are most busy rapidly, with women. As they usually also destroy the natural enemies of spider mites insecticides are of limited usefulness. It is better to keep weeping willows well-watered therefore they’re robust enough to withstand infestations and blast mites using a hose a way.
Gypsy Moths
Gypsy moths are harmful pests, capable to destroy acres of forest. Gypsy moths lay egg masses on trees, which launch and hatch larvae that were hungry. As they produce and grow, the larvae feed on tree leaves evening and day till there’s nothing left. The larvae start their pupal phase, transforming into moths. To safeguard weeping willows, their trunks are covered in duct-tape or tarpaper coated in a material, like Vaseline, avoiding larvae from inching up the tree’s trunk.
Carpenterworms injury by dull through their trunks, weeping willows. In their larval phase, they’re reddish brown caterpillars that feed harm branches that are deep inside trees; extreme numbers of them, occasionally causing them to fall-off. Other instances, carpenterworms ruin limbs by blocking the movement of water and nutrients in a practice. Eliminate carpenterworms may be helped by introducing nematodes. Proper watering retains weeping willows wholesome, which aids infestations are tolerated by them.